
Saturday 22 September 2018

WW2 game using a tabletop teaser

This weekend after playing during the week two English Civil War campaign games, one of which still has to be written up as a battle report, I wanted to see if I could get my new Bergepanther into a WW2 game. 
It is always a joy to get recently painted units into a game
In seeking inspiration for a suitable game I flicked through an electronic version of "Battlegames - Table Top Teasers Volume 1" purchased recently and found a teaser called "The Bridge Demolition". While the teaser is designed for “Horse and Musket” period it did suggest it could be adapted to "Modern" periods. With a little adaptation to the unit types the tabletop was setup and ready. In the game the Bergepather would represent an engineering unit preparing the bridge for demolition.

Game setup with British reconnaissance units surveying the situation
The teaser has a defending force, in this game it was the Germans, trying to delay the arrival of an attacking British force until the bridge can be blown up. The attacking British arrive in dribs and drabs on either road based upon a dice roll.

I decided to tryout a sticky note approach for tracking hits upon a unit rather than my usual green dice. I just mark off hits using a pencil.

A close up of the defenders and engineering units with sticky notes attached to the underside of their bases.
The following photos provide the gist of the game which turned out to be a close run thing and highly enjoyable.

Armoured infantry units were some of the first arrivals
Armour and artillery quickly arrived to support the attack 
Most units were arriving on the German's left flank
British forces were taking casualties has they used ahead towards the bridge 
German units were getting worn down under the continued pressure
Things were starting to look grim as the way to the bridge looked open
The first attempt to blow the bridge was necessary and as British forces arrived.
Success to the defenders (and the Bergepanther) who in the nick of time blew up the bridge.

"Battlegames - Table Top Teasers Volume 1" was purchased as a PDF from Wargame Vault for about $6, which is good value for the 12 teasers contained within. One of which, quite surprisingly, was played out as a Warhammer 40K game. I will have to tryout a few more of the teasers.


  1. What a pleasure to play on such a beautiful terrain, looks great!

    1. Thank you. Most of the terrain is home made (except for some of the trees).

  2. Nice table Peter and 'blow the bridge' scenarios always bring a nice bit of tension to the game. The Bergepanther had a good first outing.

    1. Thank you and yes, a good outing for the engineers.

  3. Great looking game! and I second that praise for the BG Tabletop Teasers (and not because I had the pleasure of doing one of the play throughs )

  4. Thanks. A nice looking ancient game you played through for the teasers.

  5. Hi Peter. Your a master at scratch building your accessories- the Bridge and wall sections look terrific as does your new Bergepanther. Excellent Game Scenario. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Hi Kev, thanks. It was a fun game. Cheers Peter
