
Saturday 9 April 2016

WW2 Rules - continuing to mess around

So far this week I completed a couple of paratroop reconnaissance unit and artillery units adding to my ever growing collection, and continued to mess around with my WW2 house rules. In recent weeks I have been merrily playing with a square grid based set of WW2 house rules, and while the game played ok, I was not been happy recently with the look of the games and they feel to lack flexibility. So I considered using hexes or moving back to a tape measure. In the end I have chosen to move to the traditional measuring approach, while trying to keep aspects of the grid approach I like, such as having one unit in a terrain feature.
My growing British Paratroop Battalion

Reconnaissance and Artillery support added (both are from the Airfix Airborne jeep kit)
Having recently read the Swatters SciFi rules (from Ganesha Games) it reminded me of using pre-cut sticks for measuring. So when moving you lay down the stick touching the unit you want to move, then move the unit ensuring the base ends up touching the stick (see picture). Its quite a quick way of measuring and minimises the delay created when measuring.

Using pre-cut measuring sticks rather than a tape measure - sticks are cut 3" less than the move allowance in the rules.
I have also simplified the combat mechanism in the rules so I use only one dice. Much happier with this approach for combat and moving (for the present anyway). Rather than update the last rule version, I thought I would have a try with creating page on this blog. So you can view the rules on the page tab above, and I even managed to get a table in.


  1. I've become quite fond of sticks made with bands of colour to match various movement or weapon ranges with no smaller increments.

  2. Hi Ross,
    I am finding the sticks certainly speed up movement and shooting measurement. I am currently using 4 sticks (3, 6, 9 and 12 inches) and using one with those colour bands you mention could be the go and I would make two. One for each side of the table to save me having to walk around or lean across the table to get the slick I had left on the other side.
    Regards, Peter
