
Wednesday 21 September 2016

HYW Painting Continues

Over the last few weeks I have slacked off a bit when it comes to painting, spending most of my free time wargaming. So this week it is back to painting up and basing my Hundred Years War Minifigs.

Two Crossbow Units
I have now learnt to leave a space at the back of the stand where I can place dice to track casualties. So I no longer will have to move the stand and dice. I intend to use Lion Rampant rules and will track the 12 casualties with two dice. I prefer moving big bases of figures about rather than individual figures. If I am short a figure of two to make up a unit, I am able to thin out the ranks and have 10 or 11 figures on a stand.


  1. You can get nice little dice holders from most MDF companies. They keep the dice secure on your bases during movement.

    1. Thanks Jim. They do look neat and could be very useful for my armies where I have left no space. Regards, Peter

  2. Looking good. I prefer large bases full of figures to individually mounted, casualty removal too.

    1. Thank you. The large bases do speed up movement and no toppling over of figures. Regards, Peter

  3. Some years ago I read that a chap used to mark off casualties by placing a (soft) pipe cleaner between the figures. The figures to the left of the pipe cleaner were casualties and those to the right still active.

    1. I do remember seeing that in the past and more recently on one or two blogs. Thanks for the reminder. The approach could work well for my AWI games where there figures are for the most part in nice straight lines. Regards, Peter

  4. Peter,
    Your Hundred Years War Minifigs are coming along well indeed- looking forwards to the inevitable 1st Battle. Regards. KEV.

    1. Hi KEV, Yes, I am looking forward to having a game. Looking at the painted numbers now its: 2 pike, 3 crossbow, 2 longbow plus 1 on paint table, 2 men at arms. Need a couple more men at arms and then the mounted knights. Once you start gaming the painting always becomes less onerous. Regards, Peter

    2. Yes Peter - I've put myself in the position of attempting to paint some 240, 54mm Toy Soldiers this coming Summer - bit daunting when I've never played at 54mm Toy Soldiers before. Happy Painting. Cheers. KEV.
