
Wednesday 7 December 2016

Hundred Years War with Lion Rampant on a grid

Having finished off the last couple of Minifigs HYW commander models - it was time to try them out with the Lion Rampant rules. As I generally game on a tabletop with 6 inch grid there were a few modifications to the rules mainly to do with movement. This meant there were only two movement ranges - foot at one square and mounted at two squares. When units attack they must able to move into the square of the unit they are attacking.

Game in progress
I chose not to use the leadership rules while I was getting used to the other rule mechanisms. I quickly played one game and was pretty much comfortable with most of the rules by the end of it. These rules have had many positive rules and I can understand why. After playing through them I enjoyed the game mechanisms and rolling a handful of dice for combat.

A couple of stands to represent camps
There are a few additions I need to now complete the HYW. These include a couple of camps, some medieval buildings, some stakes, and possibly a castle.

The first additions have been completed. A couple of tents used to represent a camp. They were made with modelling clay and a cut up toilet roll tube. A toothpick was stick in the middle to finish them off and to mount a flag. Nothing flash but they do the job providing you don't look too close.


  1. I think the tents look great and the size / footprint is ideal - I was really surprised when you mentioned how you made them.

    1. Thanks - other than the drying time they were pretty quick. The many imperfections do not show up on the pictures.

  2. Could you tell us more about the modifications as I would like to give them ago?

    1. The only modifications were to the move and shooting ranges. The move ranges had the most compromises as the subtle differences on both mounted and foot movement is lost with just 1 square move of foot and 2 square for cavalry.
      As I use large bases movement had to be in the direction the unit was facing at a 45 degree angle (the 3 squares in front) and one turn was allowed. I chose not to allow units to move between two units on the diagonal. This was important for retirements and meant you had to be careful when placing units behind a line in support. Units in an adjacent square to an enemy unit had to move away to move freely.
      When attacking a unit had to move into the square of the unit being attacked.
      Shooting was 3 squares in line with the rules of 18 inches. And that was about it.
      The rules do not care about facing so you can choose to drop the facing and turning approach I adopted.
      That is about it.
      I hope you enjoy the rules as well. The activation approach for different actions is clever and good for solo play.

    2. Thank you Peter,much of my gaming is solo and I look forward to giving them a try.

  3. It certainly looks good. I like the unit bases so if it all works together then what more can you ask?
    Great tents!

  4. Belated thought. If there is an intermediate movement rate for light infantry, archers etc then perhaps you could allow them to move on a diagonal while restricting the heavy foot knights and men at arms to only move 1 area through the sides.

    1. Thanks - a nice way of differentiating. Another thought is allowing lighter infantry an opportunity to run away (quickly retire) if attacked based on a dice roll.

  5. I am coming a little bit late to the party, but here's my version of a hex-gridded Lion Rampant:

    1. A useful blog of some of the issues of using existing rules on a grid (which can be easily forgotten). Thanks.
