
Saturday 25 March 2017

Future projects and current 19th Century Imagi-Nations project

During the week a couple of book purchases turned up. The first was "Wargaming Nineteenth Century Europe 1815-1878" by Neil Thomas. While I have the book already as an ebook I thought a hardcopy would be useful with my current Imagi-Nations 19th century project. The recruitment drive (painting) is progressing steadily with a couple more units painted up.

The second book "Wargame the Spanish Armada - 1588" by Peter Dennis is for my 6x6 game challenge using Galleys and Galleons rules by Ganesha Games. The book by Peter Dennis comes with pages of ships to photocopy and cut out. Something I have done before with his "Wargame 1066 Saxons-Viking-Normans" book from which I was able to quickly assemble some Saxon, Norman, and Viking forces. Both books come with their own rules which I have not yet used (but should do) as both use a square grid playing surface.

Anyway, this will be a mini-project as I only need a few ships to pay Galleys and Galleons, and it will provide a little break and diversion from just painting 19th century units.

Here are some photos of my most recent Imagi-Nations painting effort. This weekend hopefully will be spent getting back to playing a couple of games from my Hundred Years War campaign.

An infantry unit in column and two units of skirmishers
Infantry unit in line formation


  1. I have a number of rules in their e-versions, but they don't suit me as much as 'real' rule books do, so I have been buying not hard copies of those e-rules that I like. I still like e-books for fiction and reference as their convenience and storage potential is excellent.

    1. I too have taken the same approach with a few books, buying them as ebooks to see if I liked them. Where I went on to get the physical copy, I do find I still use both physical copy and ebook. The ebook is particularly useful when travelling and passing the time at the local fish and chip shop while my order is cooked.

  2. Don't know about these rules, but your Imagi-Nations units are fantastic, wonderful mix of colors!

    1. Thanks. For their uniform colours I search the web for inspiration. So far it has been mainly Austrian and Prussian influences. As for the rules I will most likely end up writing my own (simple) one page rules.

  3. Peter,
    Look forward to seeing the ships from the Peter Dennis book. Bit of fun there! Glad to see your progress on your Imaginations Project. Cheers. KEV.

  4. For me, eBooks are not a satisfactory replacement for hardcopy. In that respect, I suppose Norm, you, and I are a bit old fashioned. Fine with me! I have eBooks too but always return to its hard copy counterpart when a good study is needed. One advantage of an eBook is the ability to search through text with little effort.

    As for Thomas' 19th Century book, it is his finest work and a terrific bit of writing. Of course, in my opinion, only...

    1. Wargaming 19th Century Europe is an excellent book. Easy to read and packed with useful wargaming ideas and reasoning behind the rules.
