
Sunday 25 June 2017

French Indian War - A few more units painted

There has been little gaming for me on the tabletop this weekend. Most of my free time has been spent painting a few more French Indian War units. I was able to complete two French line infantry units and two British line infantry units, and also got started on six militia/frontiersman units which are still on the painting table.

All the figures are old plastic SYW Spencer Smith miniatures. There are a few ACW throw in for some of the light infantry and militia units.

Two completed Spencer Smith French line infantry
Two completed British line infantry
French forces
British forces (taken before the last two units were completed)
Because I have a limited number of militia/frontiersmen type units the painting. Two will be painted as French and two as British militia and the remaining two in such a colour they can be used on either side.

This coming week's painting
Close to finished and soon ready for flock to be added
I still have enough figures to create four more line infantry units, six units of artillery including two light artillery pieces, and one commander. The second commander unit will have to be modelled on an ACW mounted figure. Once complete this should give me enough for some small scale games with six to ten units per side.


  1. You are making long strides in your FIW project.
    Great job!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. As I progress through this project I will have to turn my attention to some terrain and additional equipments, such as boats, canoes and a fort.

  2. Excellent work. Are you going to adapt your AWI rules for this one?

    1. Thanks. What to do for the rules? Is a question I am mulling over. I want to make the rules sufficiently different from my AWI so I don't feel I am playing AWI with different models. My thoughts are to introduce a unit activation mechanism and keep much of the combat mechanism.

    2. That's a nice idea. You could use some of the ideas from your sci fi skirmish set in this vein. Only thinking that, as there are bands of natives roaming about causing trouble here.

    3. Yes, a few interesting unit types to factor into the rules. Agree, this will be a largish skirmish style game.

  3. Peter,
    Splendid progress you are making with the 30mm Spencer Smith figures - you'll seen be gaming FIW soon. Regards. KEV.

    1. Hi KEV, I am looking forward to gaming with these miniatures. I recon there is still 6 or so weeks to get them completed. Then I will need to play around with some rules. Cheers Peter
