
Monday 7 March 2022

Running out of space and WW1 figures

The Samurai project is close to finish from a painting perspective. I have a couple of leaders to paint and that will about wrap it up. This is a good thing as I am just about out of space in my storage draw for the Samurai and Ashigaru figures.

The next steps for the project will be to modify the Basic Impetus rules hex to a square grid and also write up the One Hour Wargame variant I have been using recently.

The storage draw is almost full of Samurai and Ashigaru. Indicating the painting is almost completed.

Work has already begun on the next project, WW1 Palestine Campaign, starting with some Turkish infantry and artillery. I am expecting to progress quite quickly with this project as I am trying to keep painting to the minimum required. As can be seen from the photographs where grass tuffs on the bases are used to distract the eye from my simplistic painting style.

WW1 Turkish artillery by HAT.

Artillery with a test unit completed last week.

Finally, I have managed to get an article written and sent off in time for the next edition of Lone Warrior, the Journal of the Solo Wargamers Association. It is one of only two magazines I subscribe to. The article is called “Any Last Orders?” and the preview on their website says "Inspired by some older wargame writings and the idea of written orders, the author has developed a method that allows him to favor one side over the other when playing solo. Includes a set of American Civil War rules to illustrate the process."


  1. Running out of space? I envy you - I'm busy trying to reduce my holdings on eBay as I don't have enough space for what I have - figures, books and magazines. Much has to be stuffed in the loft so, having a bespoke drawer to keep them in seems like luxury. Thats said I can't stop myself buying more sad.

    1. There is a shuffling of figures as old figures get moved to boxes and the current project or interest gets moved into the draws. Over time I have found one draw full of figures is about right for my style of wargaming.

    2. Yep, been eyeing the unpainted and partial projects, they are all looking like chopping block materials and being moved on to other homes or melted down.

    3. As soon as I get one project done the next one seems to start.

  2. Converting BI from hex to square ought not pose too many unsolvable issues. Happy to offer my thoughts is wanted.

    1. Thank you. When I get a draft I will definitely be sending a copy through and a remote game could be on the cards.

  3. For my none WWII armies, I try to contain each side in a large box file, which gives me more than enough (last words) figures for a good game on a 4' x 4' table or a 3' x 2' (equates to 6' x 4' in 28mm). My problem is I have too many projects dotted around the house and need a good cull of them, to allow more focus on those that I know I will play.

    The WWI troops look very nice and the grass tufts work a treat.

    Well done on getting an article published in the magazine.

    1. Thanks. It is so easy to collect more figures than the tabletop can hold. I find this particularly true where armies fielded a variety of troops, eg Carthage.

  4. Great looking figures. I am watching the WW1 development closely - that East African setting a particular interest.

    1. I am hoping this project will proceed quickly as painting is very straightforward.

  5. Looking good Peter, and congrats on being close to finishing off the Samurai. And space is always an issue...


    1. Thank you. It is always a good feeling to complete an army.
