
Saturday 25 June 2022

The last few WW1 Palestine Campaign units and terrain

The WW1 Palestine Campaign is wrapping up from a painting and scratch-building point of view. This week I finished off a few remaining terrain items and a couple of Turkish units. Next will be to run a campaign and test out the rules with a number of games. 

This first terrain items I want on the tabletop is some cactus. Cactus groves and hedges were a feature of the terrain in Palestine. To make them I used the leave from a plastic plant picked up at a craft store. The  leaves were cut up and stuck on MDF board using a hot-glue gun. 

Cactus groves

Plastic plant found at a craft store.

The plastic leaves are cut up.

The leaves are stuck on bases with a hot-glue gun.

The bases are covered in sand.

When I completed the last group of Turkish cavalry I thought I would also make up a light armoured car for them.

Some Turkish cavalry and armoured car

A closer view of teh light armoured car.

Quite a few of the One-Hour Wargame scenarios have rivers. I plan to use a wadi instead which will be treated as being impassible. To make the wadis I used brown felt which I stippled with a sand colour and toned the sand down with a brown wash.

The Wadis are brown felt stopped with sand coloured paint and a brown wash to tons down the sand colour.

A few rocks are added

A top down wargamer's view of the wadi


  1. Superb project additions, Peter! Is the armored car another block sculpture?

    1. Thanks. Yes, the armoured car is made from a block of wood with wire windscreen and cardboard features added.

  2. Very effective. I might try your wadi idea in my 6mm Sudan gaming, as it looks better than the line of pea-gravel I currently use.

    1. Thank you. The wadi was also quick and easy to make, all of 15 minutes then some drying time.

  3. Very nicely done Peter, love the armored car...

    1. Thanks the vehicles have been fun to make.

  4. I do like the armoured car. It is very nice. The wadis look great with the addition of rocks and cacti.

    1. I have enjoyed making the vehicles, particularly the armoured cars.

  5. Good going there Peter on the Cactus and Wadis- great terrain!

    1. The cactus and wadi was a lot easier to make than I originally expected. Thanks

  6. Love the pack-horses/mules.

    1. I had a few spare horses from making the cavalry so I thought some pack animals would be useful to represent supplies.
