
Monday 19 September 2022

Newly painted fantasy figures and rebasing an old model

Work on the fantasy armies is progressing. As I paint up some of my unpainted fantasy models I also dip into the storage container of painted Orcs and Goblins and re-base them into new units. This time, rather than an Orc or Goblin, I found a giant which can be used with different armies.

The giant was painted a decade ago and has been sitting a storage since and has never seen the tabletop. It just required a rebasing.

The recently painted Eternal Retributor figures are from the Games Workshop Age of Sigmar starter set purchased a few years back. In all there are 18 Eternal figures which will be painted as opposition for the Orcs. These will soon be added to with some Elves. I was hoping to get some Wood Elves second hand, but they seem rather in demand and expensive. As an alternative I have purchased some Elves and Centaurs by Mantic Games. They are yet to arrive, and I will am interested to see what they are like to paint.

Painted this weekend from the starter pack

Another view of the unit. The wings were quite fun to do with lots of over brushing.

With this project I am hoping to eventually make up three smallish forces:

  • Hordes - Orcs and Goblins
  • Alliance - Eternals, Elves, Dwarves, and Men (Wars or the Roses figures)
  • Neutrals - Giants, skeletons, dragons and vampires (These can be used to supplement other forces).
A size comparison with the orcs


  1. Fantastic brushwork Peter! I like the flying chaps, though I have no knowledge of the recent GW ranges.

    1. Thank you. The figures are very fine and incredibly detailed, much more than I have been recently used to painting with the 1/72 plastic figures.

  2. "Get thee behind me!" These look great painted up. Not the sort of thing to show a man who's partway through Tolkein's "Lost Tales"!!

    1. There are too many temptations for a wargamer to succumb to and not enough free time.

  3. Great work, they look the bees knees.

    1. Thanks, only having three figures to paint allows a bit more time to be spent on them, and they are wonderfully detailed figures.

  4. Interesting project. I like the giant a lot. Cheers, Karl

    1. I remember I took a lot or time painting the giant a decade ago. It will be great to get the figures in a game in a couple of months time.

  5. Great work Peter! Good idea to create three different themed armies to keep the battles interesting.

    1. Thanks. I suspect the neutrals may become quite varied which is one of the benefits of fantasy armies.

  6. Great work and worrying to think that that Giant is now classed as old, as it only seems like yesterday that it was released!

    1. It was a bit of a shock when I worked out how long ago I painted the giant.

  7. Um, how big is the giant? Looks massive. That needs a battle straight away. After a decade he’s properly rested. 😀
    Great looking fantasy figures.

    1. The giant stands at about 6" tall and is raring to go.
