
Sunday 13 November 2022

One Fantasy unit painted and another rebased

This week has been very productive with the making of a Sci-Fi themed backboard and now a couple of Fantasy units are completed. Off the painting desk came a unit of Centaurs. I was very relieved to have finished these. They are metal figures with separate arms and equipment which all seemed a bit fragile and had to be drilled and pinned, so I don't get any breakages from handling on the tabletop. This was very time consuming and my enthusiasm dropped during process, but now they are finished all that is forgotten and I am pleased with the end result.

Centaurs completed - from Mantic Games

A side view

Out from storage I pulled out some Goblins for rebasing from their individual bases to larger multi-figure bases. A total of 30 Goblin figures fit quite nicely on three bases (which are 3x3 inches).

A close up of the Goblin standard. I painted these 10 years ago when my eyesight was better.

The Goblins all rebased as a unit.

As the weekend comes to an end I could not resist trying out the Sci-Fi backboard which I completed on Friday. A quick game has been thrown together. It looks like an ambush is on the cards.

A game is setup and ready to begin.


  1. Nice work there Peter and I have a soft spot for those GW Goblins, as I love the faces, which are great IMHO. Ageing eyes and shaly painting hand mean I can get away with more in 10mm, which is one of its great advantages, amongst others. Nice Sci-Fi backdrop too.

    1. Agree the GW Goblins have a very mischievous look about them.

  2. Doing the centaurs sounds very tedious, but the end result was worth it!
    The Goblin unit looks "nice", too!

    1. They are worth the effort, but it as a fair bit of effort.

  3. Hi Peter- Certainly your new Backdrop looks terrific - do like your 40K Collection of Marines- all great! Cheers. KEV.

    1. I spent a long time painting those Space Maries many years ago. Thanks.
