
Saturday 26 August 2017

Painting projects I plan to do

My painting and gaming time this week was very limited due to being away for work. However, I was able to get in a couple of SciFi skirmish games using the rules A Fistful of Lead Reloaded with a number of modifications.

Space Marines move up to attack a rebel stronghold.
But this post is about the painting projects I am planning to do. The idea about posting a list comes from the blog Natholeon's Empires where the idea (using Natholeon's copied and pasted words) is: "You make a Project Management blogpost which includes a list of projects you have / are working on / one day realistically intend to be working on. In the post you link back to the blog of the person that you got this idea from, like I have with Prufrock, and these instructions. That way we might get a chain effect of people discovering new blogs that they hadn't been following before. Or maybe just a bit of community bonding like the 'good old days'."

I think this is a great idea to try out and see what happens. Earlier this year I joined in on a similar blog activity the 6x6 challenge initiated by Kaptain Kobold of The Stronghold Rebuilt, which has turned out to be a lot of fun and along the way I discovered other really interesting blogs.

So on to my project list. It is not an especially very long list and includes repainting some old miniatures I have retained from my youth, which are currently in boxes having not seen the light of day for decades.

Napoleonic - just started the project last month using a collection of old Spencer Smith plastic miniatures I picked up in an exchange.

WW2 Burma - a recently purchased small collection from the Airfix range. This will be my fall back project if I get tired of painting Napoleonic units. I still have to find one or two Japanese tanks and need to consider making some jungle terrain. I plan to use these armies with the Crossfire ruleset.

Samurai - a very old collection of 25mm MINIFIGS which were purchased in the late 1970's. The aim will be to create a couple of armies for use with DBA version 1.

English Civil War - the plan is to repaint my old Hinchcliffe 25mm miniatures. This was my first collection of metal miniatures started in the early 1970's. I think I was 12 years old at the time. They have multiple paint styles and the plan is to strip off the paint and begin again. They will be based for the Chipco game Age of Gunpowder.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - I bought the starter pack and plan to use these for some skirmish wargaming with the Song of Blades rules.

Warhammer 40K - I have a few kits to complete. Some are for my Chaos army and include the recent purchase of the Dark Imperium starter box set. Along with a Skitarii starter box to add some variety to my other armies.

Space Marines not doing so well in this contest


  1. Fine list of projects on deck, Peter. Of your listed projects, I am most interested in seeing you resurrect your 1970s era Hinchliffe ECW figures from a bygone era. Seeing your Minifig 25mm Samurai will likewise hold much interest to me.

    Best wishes in your "new" old projects.

    1. Thank you kindly. I will need to give some thought to how to paint the Samurai and ECW.

  2. Good idea, you are not alone in your fancy of Hinchliffe ECW and I have seen two other bloggers reporting on their re-visited collections, making their 'come back' a rather joyous thing.

    In support of your post theme of exploring other people's blogs, here is a link to one of the Hinchliffe posts.


  3. Hmm, that Sci-Fi skirmish idea has got the brain working over. I was given a couple of packs of Space Marines. That could be a way to use them...

    I particularly like your ECW scheme as well!


    1. I have really enjoyed the Fistful of Lead activation approach. The rules are straightforward an can easily accommodate a few add ons for power armour. I plan to do a post in the next week or so on the modifications.
      Thanks Peter

  4. There seems to be a lot of love for resurrecting old hinchcliffe projects at the moment. I'm looking forward to seeing that and the Burma project play out, as it is a theatre I have thought quite a bit about gaming (although it isn't on my list...).

    1. I am looking forward to getting the Burma project done and on the tabletop. It is the type of project that can be done reasonably quickly once all the models are found. You came up with a nice idea to encourage discovery of new blogs.

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing the old ECW and Samurai figures resurrected. The 40k gun fights are a very nice idea too.

    1. Thank you. I am looking forward to getting these projects finally completed. It has been decades since I last worked on them.
