
Wednesday 12 February 2020

ECW campaign game report

The battle of Bishop's Waltham, September 1646, has a small Royalist force facing a larger Parliamentarian force. With limited options the Royalists have taken up a defensive position in the buildings and nearby fields.

Initial deployments
Tabletop layout
The Parliamentarian commander opened the battle by pushing forward part of his centre foot units to engage the Royalist units defending the buildings, and on the left flank commanded shot and dragoons circled around to flank the defenders.

The opening moves of the battle
Note - Recently I added a couple of powder carts to my forces. In this game I introduced them and a rule which allows foot units to be resupplied when out of ammunition. The powder cart has to move into contact with the unit and roll a 3 on a D3 to successfully resupply. If a 2 was rolled nothing happens and a 1 means the removal of the cart and no further resupplying can occur.

Powder cart attempts (and fails with a 1) to resupply a Royalist foot unit out of ammunition.
The combination of artillery fire, advancing foot and flanking dragoons soon had the Royalists defending the buildings under pressure. Forcing their commander to reposition forces to bolster the defences. The Parliamentarian commander pushed forward his right flank to threaten and hopefully pin as many units as possible without launching an attack.

The Royalist right flank under pressure.
Royalist units try and reposition to defend the buildings.
The situation was looking grim for the Royalists. With the buildings looking set to fall and in a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, a unit of cavalry charged the attacking foot units. This gave a brief reprieve, but Parliament's attack continued and the Royalist army resolve failed soon after.

Royalist cavalry charge in a desperate attempt to hold the buildings.
Out flanked and out numbered the Royalist army resolve fails.
A major victory to Parliament in the latter part of 1646.

Unit movements


  1. Lovely little scenario Peter and great to see the Parliamentarians getting a victory. As always lovely maps too.

    1. Thank you. Most pleasing to see a Parliamentarian victory.

  2. That wasn't a fair fight! Is this too little too late for the Roundheads? Great maps!

    1. Not a great game to play, and yes all too late for Parliament.

  3. At last the tide turns... may be a bit too late...
    I liked the ammo cart resupply idea I have one of those in my unpainted lead pile - this might elevate it up the to do list.

    1. I liked those little powder carts and will be adding them to the rules.

  4. A great and timely boost to Parliamentarian morale, I think. Nice set-up.

    1. Nice to see a Parliament victory, but too late in the campaign.

  5. Wonderful looking game as always! I really like that powder cart rule - a reward with a bit of risk.

  6. Thank you. The powder carts can be quite helpful to those units that run out of ammunition early, without being too influential on the game.
