
Saturday 15 February 2020

Preparing for WW2 Floor wargaming

Having scratch built some landing craft a couple of weeks ago (see here) it was time to use them in a wargame. Drawing inspiration from the chapter "A Landing in Force (Coast of France 1944)" in War Game Campaigns and the chapter "Disaster at D-Day - and other big games" in Operation Warboard.  I soon realised the playing area required is bigger than my 6x4 foot tabletop. Fortunately, this weekend (with the wife away) presented an opportunity to takeover the floor to setup a game.

The floor all prepared roughly 4 x 12 foot playing area
Chapters from which to draw inspiration...
...and the books.
The attacking forces will land in three waves and have air support. In addition there is a force of paratroopers to capture and hold the bridge.

Landing forces and airborne units
The defending German forces are split into two with those defending the coast and reinforcements which arrive later in the game.

German reinforcements
A few photos of the playing area and deployed defenders.

Beach defences
Village defences and supporting mortars
View of the village and bridge
Patrol near bridge


  1. This looks epic! Looking forward to the battle report.

    1. All being well there should be no interruptions this weekend.

  2. That's a great looking 'table' and takes me back to those childhood games on the bedroom floor:)

    1. I was in my childhood to the last time I had a floor wargame setup.

  3. Yes, I too have a nostalgic pang .... though that is tempered by wondering how to get up off the floor after an hour on knees!!! :-)

    1. My knees are in good shape. I just have to be careful not to get up too quickly, else my head spins.

  4. Very cool, Peter! Brings back memories of my bedroom floor gaming in the mid-70s battling over the Western Desert in 1/72.

  5. Four by twelve! I wish, you are a lucky man - I trust you completed the game before she returned? I'm looking forward to the AAR.

  6. An excellent layout! If you're anywhere near my age, I have sympathy for your knees, though. ;)

    1. My knees are ok. Most concern is that I don't stand on any models due to failing eyesight.

  7. Now that IS old school Peter. As ever your set/up is very effective . Manages to look both visually appealing and practical.

    Proper old school. Had a floor game myself a few months back (Battle of Surbiton 1648). I feared knee pain so I got round it by laying on my side as much as possible - was very tempted to make all the bang noises and neighing, but just about resisted.

    1. Thank you. Alas no space to lay down. This may turn into an endurance wargame.
