
Sunday 18 October 2020

Ancient models painting and ACW

Work is progressing with the painting of the Carthaginian army. I seem to be averaging about three units per week. As my aim is to have between 10 and 15 units per army and with the current rate of painting I am hoping to get the armies close to complete by Christmas. Then I will have to make another mat for the tabletop. For this I will most likely use a painters drop cloth and colour with various watered down acrylic paints in a similar fashion to the WW2 Western Desert wargaming cloth (see here) but with a tad more green.

Simple block painted HAT plastic figures

I decided to see how skirmisher units would look on the 3x4 inch bases. I opted to reduce the 12 figures per base for other infantry down to 9 figures for these units. The painting style I have settled on is simple block painting and a shinny finish.

Sand coloured bases get a brown wash and patches of flock

On the gaming side I managed to squeeze in an ACW game using a hex grid. I am currently converting the One-Hour Wargaming style rules to be hex based and also have been introducing chance cards to the rules to create some period feel and uncertainty for a solo player. 

The early stage of the ACW game

For the game scenario I opted to use "Action in the Plattville Valley" from the book "War Games" by Donald Featherstone. I was able to adjust the map into a 6x9 hex grid.

The game report and more on the rules will be the next post.


  1. Look forward to your ACW game. I like the subtle hex grid on the cloth.

    1. The hex grid worked out well with just marking the corners, I wish I had taken that approach on my desert mat now.

  2. You’re making great progress on your ancients project. ACW battle up next? Looking forward to reading it.

    1. Some good initial progress and now I must not get distracted for the next couple of months. Next is to write the ACW battle report.

  3. Nice to see more of your Ancients figures and I'm looking forward to the AAR on your ACW game.

    1. Thanks, the ACW games has been played and photographed. Now to write it up, which always takes longer than expected.

  4. Very much look forward to seeing your OHW ACW rules.


    1. Thanks, some of the draft rules should be posted with the game report.

  5. You're cranking out the Carthaginians at a rapid rate.
    To me a gridded table makes especially good sense with simple rules like OHW, so I will be interested to see what you come up with in terms of adaptations.

    1. I am enjoying the simple painting style and seeing the units leaving the painting table at a quicker rate. The OHW adaptions are with the use of D3 dice, commanders, morale, and event cards.

  6. Lovely painting and basing of those Hat figures. The ACW 'teaser' has whet my appetite too!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks. I have written up the ACW rule notes and will be posting the rules this weekend.
