
Wednesday 28 October 2020

Ancients painting progress and how to eat an elephant

I am still painting a reasonable number of Carthaginian figures with another three units completed this past week. I am now up to 10 units painted and based of an expected 20 Carthaginian units, before I turn my attention to the Roman units.

Recently painted units

Some books arrived to help with my foray into wargaming with Ancients. I am currently enjoying reading the "Armies of the Carthaginian Wars" by Terrance Wise, and eagerly look forward to reading "Lost Battles" by Philip Sabin.

Recent book arrivals

Now for the question on "how to eat an elephant?" We live in Melbourne and have been in a Covid-19 lockdown for some 100 plus days until earlier this week when restrictions started to be lifted. However, they were not lifted in time for my birthday and with no ability to visit restaurants my wife got creative and arranged through friends to have a wargame themed cake made of a Carthaginian elephant.

Birthday cake

So my answer to the question is - one slice at a time.

The next game setup on the tabletop

In the meantime my tabletop is now setup for a few WW2 Western Desert campaign games.



  1. Both books are excellent resources but Sabin’s book is a must-have. Hope you enjoy both. Happy birthday! That is one great looking cake. Your cake gives me a new perspective on the phrase, “seeing the elephant.”

  2. Great painting, good books, a giant cake. What could be better? Hope that the return to normality goes well. You've certainly done it tough the last wee while.

    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks Aaron. Fingers crossed for the next few weeks as we come out of our restrictions.

  3. I love it and well done on your wife coming up with such a creative birthday cake! The WWII game looks equally enticing...

  4. One slice at a time sounds a bit cautious to me... Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks. Every morsel of cake was savoured.

  5. The Ancients are looking very nice Peter, as does the cake.

    1. Thank you. The cake was a nice surprise.

  6. That cake is legit the coolest :P hope you had a great birthday! ^_^

  7. I like books ..... but I like cake more :-)

  8. A nicely developing army, and a very devoted wife!

    1. Thanks. The cake was very clever and thoughtful idea.

  9. Belated happy birthday Peter. The Sabin book is thought provoking.

    I can’t imagine my wife ever baking me a wargaming cake. She looks on me with a mixture of pity and amusement whenever I indulge in hobby time. 😟

    1. Thank you. I have eagerly started to read Sabin's book. The wargaming cake was a wonderful idea in a time of lockdown and very tasty too!
