
Saturday 14 November 2020

Ancients project progress and desert terrain

This weekend the tabletop is ready for hopefully two WW2 Western Desert games. There are a couple of new terrain features I have added during the week. First was a desert fort to add a little bit or variety to the tabletop and second items were desert tracks which will aid movement, particularly for slow infantry units and towed artillery.

Fort with some defending Italian units

Desert tracks a recent addition to the games

Painting of Carthaginian units continues with another 3 units completed. In total 17 units have been painted since the start of October when the order of HaT figures arrived. Using a simple block paining approach for these 20mm plastic figures has made the painting both quick and for the most part enjoyable. There is something pleasing seeing these units move off the paining table at a reasonable rate.

Looking at the remaining figures I have, I recon there are the following to complete: 2 cavalry units, 1 heavy infantry, 2 elephant units, 2 skirmish units, and 1 medium infantry unit. Once all done, I can move onto the Roman units.

Latest Carthaginian units to leave the painting table.

A front on view


  1. Desert warfare in two periods? Nice! Are you using the same hex mat for both ancients and WWII? I await reports from your two weekend WWII campaign games.

    1. I will most likely be creating another desert or arid looking tabletop mat for ancient games. The question of hexes or squares, or even free movement is yet to be seated.

  2. The plastics project is going well. I agree that seeing units move across the painting table and starting to form an army brings its own motivation to paint more.

    Your shading on the background prop is really nice and a superb compliment to the colours and textures of your table.

    1. Agree, getting a steady flow of units from the painting table does create its own momentum. The backdrop was created a while ago using cardboard from an old box. It is getting a bit worn from use and I am considering re doing it on MDF.

  3. Splendid additions Peter, love the Carthaginians...

    1. Thank you. I am getting close to finishing them.

  4. Nice work! The Carthaginians look good. Do you find you get a lot of useless poses with plastics or are HaT OK in that respect?

    1. Thank you. I am impressed by the poses in the HaT collections and have not had any wastage due to odd poses.

  5. The fort is very nice Peter and your Ancients figures look splendid.

    1. The fort turned out better than I expected. The next building, or buildings, will be an air field. Thanks.

  6. I love the little fort Peter; very nice and evocative of a desert outpost. Great to see you're making good progress with your Ancients figures too.

    1. Thank you. I was pleased how the fort worked out.

  7. Very nice work on all of this, I like everything you do on this blog.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you. The 20mm plastics are working out very well.
