
Monday 4 March 2024

Painting some Battling Robots and Tanks.

While I've been enjoying plenty of game time lately, my attention to the painting aspect of wargaming has also been progressing along quite nicely. I have been focussing on one of my planned projects for this year, which involves painting a set of battling robots. I managed to grab a couple of discounted Battle Tech boxes each consisting of 5 robots which will be supported by some Warhammer Imperialis tanks. A Christmas gift. All in all these should supply me with enough models for a game of Battle Suit Alpha from Wiley Games. Some simple scratch built terrain will also be required for a game on a 2x2 or 3x3 foot tabletop.

Progress so far. The tank with missiles is a conversion using bits from the spares box which will be used as some form of artillery unit.

Another view. There are a variety of robot sizes in the boxes.

Battle Suit Alpha ruleset looks like it will provide a fun game.

The colour schemes are being kept really simple with a set of red robots and tanks and a set of blue robots.

Next up will be a Napoleonic battle report.


  1. Looking good, Peter. I have some "stompy robots" myself that I was going to use as Titans for the Epic 40k universe :)

    That said, Battletech in itself is a very fun game. It was one of the first minis games I ever played.

    1. Stumpy Robots are fun and definitely a game the kids will play when they visit.

  2. Do you varnish? Or is it a gloss paint? Or some ink/tone thing?

    1. Once painted I use a black wash, a light dry brush of silver, and a final coat of PVA glue to protect them and give a glossy finish.

  3. I just did a review of FFoL, I like the system very much so I'm fairly sure that Battle Suit Alpha will be a good game. Nice job on the robots. 😁

    1. Thanks. I do like the FFoL activation mechanism and did enjoy reading your review.

  4. Great looking bots Peter. Red and Blue armies means you can piggy back of your Napoleonic paints. 😊

  5. That is certainly something quite a bit different, Peter - but they do look very nice indeed! Anything that can get a full on game in 2' x 2' is good in my opinion!

    1. This will be one of those sets of models I will take with me to NZ while I wait for the house contents and other models to arrive.
