Sunday 29 September 2024

Mech Campaign - Part 5 - Battle Report - Eviction with Extreme Prejudice

This is the second game in the Aridain Prime campaign, where StarCore Corporation and the Rorek Syndicate are vying to claim a newly reopened mining zone. Previously, the Rorek Syndicate secured two territories in the zone after their mechs defeated a group of StarCore mechs.

Both organisations are continuing with their strategies of trying to expand their territories under the campaign rules (see here). The winner of this next encounter will be able to claim another two unclaimed territories.

A Titan Mech of the Rorek Syndicate stands guard.

The Scenario…

The StarCore Corporation mechs are planning an assault on an old mining complex currently guarded by Rorek Syndicate mechs. For this scenario, I have adapted Scenario 4.2 (Eviction with Extreme Prejudice) from the book “Sci-Fi Skirmish Scenarios” by John Lambshead to fit the mech campaign narrative. 

To win, StarCore must destroy three or more of the five mine buildings in the complex. To destroy a building they must first be the only mech within 4 inches of the building and score 4+ on a dice roll.

The tabletop setup with Rorek mechs (Blue) defending the mining complex of 5 buildings.


StarCore Mech Force (Red):

  • 2 Titan Mechs
  • 2 Light Mechs
  • 1 Tracked Mech (which can use the existing mine tunnels and excavations make a surprise appearance on either flank)
Rorek Mech Force (Blue):
  • 2 Titan Mechs
  • 2 Light Mechs
  • 1 Drone and Drone Launch Vehicle

StarCore Mechs

Rorek Mechs

The Game Report…

The Rorek forces were positioned in cover and guarding the mining complex. The StarCore mech force arrives in two combat groups, each comprised of a titan mech and a light mech. They quickly secure the high ground around the complex and engage the Rorek defenders at long range. Meanwhile, their tracked mech emerges on the right flank having used abandoned mining tunnels for a surprise flanking move. After a brief firefight, one of the Rorek titan mechs sustains heavy damage and is destroyed, an early and valuable success for StarCore, allowing them to press forward into the mining complex.
Tabletop setup with Rorek mechs guarding the mining complex.

StarCore combat groups arrive.

An early success for StarCore as they destroy a titan mech.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the exposed left flank of the Rorek defence, the StarCore mechs advance and, with some precise shooting, they manage to damage one of the mining buildings. Caught off guard, the Rorek mech force suffers another setback when one of their light mechs unable to repair its damage is also destroyed. After this success, StarCore press their luck further and attack a second building. However, in the process of damaging the building, a Rorek drone swoops down and successfully destroys StarCore’s tracked mech.

Outnumbered and unable to prevent a third building from being damaged, the remaining Rorek mechs  choose to retreat to avoid further damage to their units.

StarCore advance and damage part of the mining complex buildings.

StarCore continue and destroy a second building, but in doing so lose their tracked mech to a drone attack.

StarCore mech damages the third building to secure victory.

This victory sees StarCore securing claims over two territories in the campaign.

Campaign Map. StarCore territories shown with red stars and Rorek territories with blue stars.


  1. Love the cartooning of your game photos, Peter. Great to see you pressing on with some gaming even during your big move.

    1. I normally do a couple of set up photos after the game which I can put through the Clip2Comic app. As for the big move, we fly out tomorrow.

  2. Very nice 👏👏 I’ve been developing a number of 6mm sci fi forces, so it’s always good to see what ideas I can “borrow” 😉 My forces, however, are a mix of infantry, tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery with only the occasional mech.
    I especially like the look of the StarCore Red light mech (the one on the extreme right of the third picture) - I don’t suppose you recall the make/model details for that one do you? It would be a nice addition to my armies.
    My mechs are the “big boys” of the battlefield (not huge, just significantly bigger than the tanks and armoured vehicles), striding around and dealing out damage to the enemy forces.
    Good luck with the rest of your campaign.

    1. Thanks. The Battletech miniatures are from two boxes. One is Battletech Clan Command Star which I think are the blue force, but I cannot recall the other Battletech box. Good luck with your sci-fi project.

  3. Awesome stuff Peter. Good luck with your move.

    1. Thanks Ben. I am looking forward to your next sci-fi campaign.

  4. Another nice little gang Peter and good luck with hour move across the "Tazzy"!

  5. Enjoyed the report and cartoon style Peter. All the best for a smooth move.

    1. Thank you. Hopefully all my models get a smooth ride too.
