Having set up the table to play a couple of Sci-Fi games using a variation of the Swatters ruleset. I decided to keep the table set up and trial some different activation approaches after reading a couple of recent posts on the Blog
DeltaVector. Previous Sci-Fi rules I have drafted have gone with dicing for activation and side with the highest score gets to activate a unit. As a solo player I find I like this approach as the next planned move is uncertain. The one area I find problematic however is that larger forces have the advantage over smaller forces by often having the last few activations.
So where did I end up with my trials? Well, I kept the rolling of dice for activation with a couple of twists and splitting activations into two phases: 1) movement and 2) combat made up on shooting and assaults. Units can participate in both phases as they are allowed to move and shoot/assault.
Movement Phase
During the movement phase both players roll dice and the highest gets to move. In the event of a tie, the player who was last in control remains in control.
When rolling for activation, a player that wins by double or more (e.g. a 2 vs. 4 roll) gets to either: move 2 of their units or moves 1 unit with a double move (always in a straight line and no turns).
If a player wins an activation dice roll by triple of more (e.g. a 1 vs 3 roll) they can end the movement phase and go onto the combat phase. This helps address the situation I mentioned earlier, where the larger force often get that last couple of activations. For a defending side they can limit movement and get on with the shooting.
Combat Phase
The combat phase, which includes shooting and assault charges, operates in a similar fashion as movement. Both players roll dice and the highest gets to shoot or charge 6 inches into an assault. In the event of a tie, the player who was last in control remains in control.
With the activation dice roll, if a player wins by double or more (e.g. a 3 vs. 6 roll) they get to either: perform intensive shooting which comes with a bonus or charge 12 inches into assault. (Assault combat is carried out upon contact with the enemy unit.)
If a player wins an activation dice roll by triple of more (e.g. a 2 vs 6 roll) they can end the combat phase and go onto the movement phase. Advancing forces will always want to shut down the combat phase quickly as they move their forces up.
I plan to write these rules up in a one page format over the next week or two.
Other Stuff
My first Hundred Years War unit is painted and 25 more units to go. I am expecting to complete 2 units per week, so this will be a 3 to 4 month project. All the models are from Miniature Figure and purchased 30 odd years ago, and I am really enjoying painting these (again).
I now leave space on the base to place casualty dice so they move with the unit. |
The WW2 campaign was paused while I painted up a Jagdpanther. I'd picked up this model while browsing a model shop a couple of week's back. Based on campaign supplies I would hazard a guess there are 9 to 12 games still to be battled out before it comes to a conclusion.
An ArmourFast Jagdpanther |