As a quick reminder of the campaign setting. A previously mined area in the southern hemisphere of the planet Aridain Prime has become available for prospecting again after the collapse of a mining house that previously owned the rights. Both StarCore Corporation and the Rorek Syndicate, whose mining operations border this region, are actively vying to claim the territory. (Refer to the previous two blog posts for the campaign setup details).
A StarCore Mech has taken position on a hilltop. |
Before the battle, or hostile prospecting, both StarCore and Rorek Syndicate choose their campaign actions. Since this is the beginning of the campaign and neither side has claimed any territory yet, both selected the same action, to expand their territory. So, the winner of this battle will be able to claim two territories on the campaign map. In the event of a draw, both will select on territory.
The Battle Setting…
An isolated group of StarCore mechs has taken control of the derelict mine in sector Alpha-457. Meanwhile, a team of 5 Rorek mechs is advancing from the south to investigate these two StarCore targets, when they detect three more targets approaching from the north, which are expected to arrive shortly. This scenario is based on "Take the High Ground," Scenario 4 from *One-Hour Wargames*.
Each side has 5 mechs, consisting of 2 heavy mechs and 3 light mechs. Two of StarCore's mechs have already taken position on the ridge. Their reinforcements will arrive on turn 2.
The force occupying the ridge uncontested at the end of the game wins.
The Rorek Mech team investigates the two primary targets, aiming to secure the ridge. To the east are the remains of the old mining works. |
The Battle Report…
The five Rorek mechs (Blue) swiftly advanced from the south toward the two StarCore mechs (Red) stationed on the ridge. They used their lighter and more agile mechs to lay down suppressive fire on the larger StarCore mech while their heavier mechs closed in and started to join the attack.
Opening game moves. |
The nearby reinforcements from StarCore soon arrive from the north and move swiftly to support the two mechs holding the ridge, who are now under heavy fire from the larger Rorek mechs and their powerful weaponry.
Reserves arrive for StarCore. |
The Rorek mechs are able to secure a foothold on the ridge. Additionally they were able to inflict significant damage on the StarCore mechs defending it. However, they are now beginning to accumulate hits from the StarCore reserve mechs as they move into range and engage.
The Rorek mech team gain a foothold on the ridge. |
The StarCore mechs were able to destroy the Rorek mech that had secured a foothold on the ridge, but their mechs on the ridge eventually fell in swift succession to the concentrated fire. With their loses, the resolve of the remaining mechs failed and they withdrew, allowing the Rorek team to claim control of the ridge.
Out numbered and with increasing losses the StarCore mechs withdraw. |
The Rorek mech team claim control of the ridge for victory in this first skirmish of the campaign. |
The Campaign…
The Rorek Syndicate claimed victory as their mechs secured the ridge, clearing the way for them to take control of two territories in the prospecting area (shown by blue stars).
The Rorek Syndicate have been able to claim two territories following their victory at Alpha-457. |
What’s next?
While I enjoy playing scenarios from Neil Thomas’ One Hour Wargames, these battles played with just a handful of mechs feel much more like skirmish games to me. Therefore, with my next few games I plan to select scenarios from Sci-Fi Skirmish Scenarios by John Lambshead and adapt them to the narrative of this campaign.
Future scenarios will be inspired from this book. |