Tuesday 15 October 2024

Mech Campaign - Part 7 - Rule Changes and Game Report

While painting our new house, I have had plenty of time to think about the mech rules (see draft rules here) and consider amendments. The area or the rules I was not overly happy with was how mechs take damage. The rules currently has mechs simply accumulating hits until a certain threshold is reached, at which point they are destroyed.

More rule changes.

The first change I wanted was to allow mech shooting to be able to inflict multiple hits on a target. Instead of rolling a single die with modifiers to hit on a 4 or higher, mechs now roll multiple dice. The number of dice can increase or decrease based on factors like long range or a target in cover. Each 5 or 6 rolled counts as a hit.

For example:

  1. A titan-class mech normally rolls 3 dice, but when shooting at a target beyond half its range, it is reduced to 2 dice. It rolls a 5 and a 6 and inflicts 2 hits.
  2. A raider-class mech, which has fewer weapons than a titan-class, rolls 2 dice. If it shoots at a target within half its range but the target is in cover, the dice rolled are reduced by 1.

The second change adds a check whenever a mech takes any hits to determine if a critical system is damaged causing the mech to be destroyed. The chance of destruction increases as the mech accumulates more hits. After applying the hits, a dice is rolled. If the result is lower than the total number of hits, the mech is destroyed. 

For example:

  1. A mech with 2 accumulated hits takes 2 more hits, bringing the total to 4. It then rolls a 3 on the die, which is less than the total hits, so the mech is destroyed. (If it had rolled 4 or more it would have survived.)

This approach means that a mech will be automatically destroyed upon taking its seventh hit, as it's impossible to roll a number equal to or greater than 7 on a dice.

The following battle report tested the above rule changes.

Battle Report…

The game features two groups - Rorek Syndicate mechs (blue) and StarCore Corporation mechs (red) - converging on two mines located near the Rift of Perdition, an impassable crevice. These mining complexes are strategically important, as they are the only way to cross the crevice.

The tabletop setup. StarCore mechs are closest.

Both mech groups advanced quickly. Rorek deployed their lighter, faster raider-class mechs to reach the mining complexes, staying hidden behind the buildings. The StarCare mechs struck first, focusing their fire on a Rorek titan-class mech that had strayed within range and managed to destroy it. In response, the Rorek mechs delivered some highly accurate shooting, hitting critical systems on several StarCore mechs, effectively splitting the StarCore force into two groups around the two mining complexes. 

StarCore strike first.

Rorek shooting proves to be accurate hitting critical systems.

Rorek maintained their momentum by downing another StarCore mech. The tide of battle briefly turned for the StarCore force when their remaining titan-class mech secured one of the mining complexes after destroying a Rorek mech that had been contesting control of it. After a period where both sides exchanged fire, Rorek’s superior numbers eventually proved decisive, and they destroyed the last StarCore titan-class mech. With their forces depleted, the remaining StarCore mech retreated, allowing Rorek to move in and capture both mining complexes, securing victory.

StarCore try to change momentum and move on the mine complexes, taking more damage in the process.

StarCore capture and control the left hand mine complex.

The loss of their last titan-class sees the remaining StarCore mech retire. 

Campaign Implications…

The Rorek Syndicate has secured two more prospecting territories in the disputed zone, bringing their total claims to match those of StarCore. This back-and-forth exchange of territory can continue for a while, but eventually one of the organisations will need to change their strategy from focusing solely on expansion, to one of disrupting the opponent's claims or attempt to seize some of their rival's territory.

Claimed territories - Rorek in blue and StarCore in red.

The campaign rules and the possible strategies can be found here.

Rule Changes...

I am definitely keeping the rule for checking damage to a mech's critical systems, as it adds a level of uncertainty as the hits accumulated. However, I'm still unsure about the other rule change allowing for multiple hits from an attack. I will need to play a few more test games before deciding about this rule.

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