Wednesday, 14 November 2018

ECW Campaign - Game 10 Preparation

Having a victory in the last battle Parliament gained control of the West Midlands region, and quickly seized the opportunity to move on the adjacent East Midlands region. Should they gain control of the East Midlands region, they will have evened up the number of regions controlled and have secured a buffer of regions around the Thames Valley region and the city of London.

Campaign map with areas controlled (Parliament blue and Royalist red).

Both sides were fairly successful with their recruitment i teh East Midlands and support from adjacent regions, and will enter the next battle with the following orders of battle:

5 x Cavalry
5 x Infantry
2 x Dragoons
1 x Commanded Shot
1 x Artillery

5 x Cavalry
4 x Infantry
2 x Dragoons
1 x Commanded Shot
1 x Artillery

As per usual terrain cards are used to determine the terrain features and their position on the 6x4 foot tabletop.
Terrain cards will determine the tabletop layout.
I hope to get to the game soon, but have first to complete a WW2 game currently in progress.

WW2 game holding up the next ECW game


  1. An evenly matched battle with the terrain lending an edge to the defense, I think.

    1. Looking at it a bit more I tend to agree, and there is only an infantry unit difference between the forces so the small Royalist force will deploy first as defenders.

  2. I look forward to the account of the forthcoming contest!

    1. The game is finally set up on the tabletop.
