Sunday, 16 February 2025

Busy Painting

Not much to write about this week, mainly photos as I have been busy painting and managed to complete four units. The week began with a unit of Spencer Smith Hussars, which had jumped to the top of my painting queue. These Hussars, gifted by a fellow wargamer (see here), will be used in my Napoleonic wargames. I was eager to get started on them. They are simple models that I paint in a toy soldier style with a glossy finish.

The Hussar miniatures certainly give the impression they are charging forward.

The figures are painted in a simple toy soldier style and glossed.

After finishing the Hussars and settling into my painting groove, I turned my attention to a few English Civil War miniatures that had been prepped many months ago, before our move to New Zealand. The units consist mainly of Hinchliffe miniatures, with a few Minifigs mixed in.

You can never have enough artillery.

Some Hinchliffe cavalry with a dragoon interloper who had lost their flintlock and has been repurposed to carry the standard. 

A Commanded Shot unit with a mix of Minifigs and Hinchliffe.

On the tabletop, I've played a couple of quick English Civil War games to test a couple of different activation mechanisms, one being card-based activation and the other a dice draw approach. Both approaches include steps for resupplying units that run out of ammunition. So far, I'm leaning towards the dice draw approach as it provides more choice for the wargamer as to which command to activate.

A close up shot of a game.

Testing out a dice draw approach in this test game.


  1. I used to have some of those Hinchliffe ECW cavalry - the miniature with the sword held aloft was always prone to breakage ā˜¹ļø Good luck with your testing - can we ever find the perfect game system? As a solo gamer Iā€™m very, very prone to tinkering šŸ˜‰

    1. I have had to repair a couple of those figures holding their swords aloft. Wonderful pose, but too easily broken.

  2. Nice stuff, Peter - seems to be plenty of activity at your place!

  3. Very nice Peter, Iā€™m becoming quite a fan of the shiny toy soldier look.

    1. I use a good layer of PVA glue to get the gloss finish. The gloss finish also hides may of my painting mistakes.

  4. Good to see that you have settled in well enough to find time for some painting sessions and some games. Great progress! A return to remote gaming will not be far behind.

    1. There was a lull in working on the house which enabled me to get some painting time. Looking forward to some remote gaming.

  5. Great painting Peter. Resupply mechanism sounds interesting. I assume it would use up one of a players' activations?

    1. There are 1 dice for each command with different colours for each side (eg Red and White). These go in the draw bag with one additional black dice. When the black dice is drawn both sides can resupply one unit. I will most likely post about this and the card approach soon.

  6. Thanks for the Hussar pics..I had a bag of those once as well as the lancer and the charging dragoon

    As for Hinchcliffe..I loved the ECW range but I avoid swords aloft and bayonets... wire pikes for me

    Minifigs ECW were my first love

    Cavalry a bit small though

    I miss Warrior miniatures too great /cheap ECW range

    Looking forward to your next post



    1. Hi Perkin. Nowadays I put a little blob of an epoxy glue at the base of the sword for additional strength. As for the pikes they can certainly impale any misplaced fingers. Cheers Peter

  7. The Hussar are very nice, great figures, so full of movement despite being simple sculpts. Nice work on the ECW figures, my collection is pretty much all Minifigs or Hinchliffe and gloss varnished too. Hope we see a game with your collection soon.

    1. Thanks. I may get an ECW game report out soon.

  8. I like seeing old school glossed toy soldier style Napoleonics. You did a fine job, very nice.
    It says alot when you take take something from the past make it new again.

    1. Thank you. It is always fun getting these old figures on to the tabletop.

  9. Fine work on those Peter and the glossy toy soldier look is perfect for these minatures IMHO. A gaming chum replaced the swords with small nails, hammered thin, to give a much more durable option, which worked very well. The ECW stuff looks great too:).

    1. At the moment I am relying on a little dob of Araldite on the base (hilt) of the sword. As they always break there for me anyway.

  10. Super figures. Paint job really evokes a bygone age.

    1. Thank you. I find the simpler painting approach helps speed up the painting process.

  11. Nice paint job!
    Thanks for sharing them.
