Sunday 11 August 2024

Making Terrain for a Stompy Robot and Mech Game

In March 2024, I posted an update about my Stompy Robots and Mech Mayhem project. This weekend, I revisited the project to try and make some buildings that have the look of towering mining and manufacturing facilities. I wanted for a futuristic look and decided on tubular-shaped structures. This choice allowed me to put to use the various pieces of wooded dowel I've been saving in the shed, waiting for the right project.

Futuristic buildings for the robots and mechs.

Robots defending the mining and manufacturing facilities.

After deciding on tubular-shaped buildings, the next step was figuring out how to make them and choosing the colours. I wanted to make the buildings in such a way so they could be placed together to make one large facility. I also knew I didn't want the usual grey, so I chose a pale purple with blue undertones.

The first step was to cut up the wooden dowel into various lengths. I used the largest piece of the dowel as the base and piled the smaller pieces on top, glueing them as I went.

The wooden dowel cut up and glued together.

The buildings were first undercoated with white gesso, followed by a light grey. Once dry, I gave the buildings a pale purple wash, then used a blue wash to highlight specific features and the base of the buildings.

After undercoating a pale wash is applied.

A blue wash is added to highlight areas of the buildings.

The final step was adding details and sealing everything with PVA glue. I kept the details simple, using small dots of white and yellow, along with a few black lines.

The buildings with details painted on.

A closer look at the finished buildings.

With the buildings finished, the last task for this project will be to add some color to the gaming mat, which is currently just a piece of sand-coloured felt.


  1. Very inventive Peter and they remind me very much of an old pencil stand I had on my desk as a teenager to hold all my bits'n'pieces.

    1. Thanks. I remember those pencil stands.

  2. Fantastic result Peter! Very clever and no doubt quite durable.

    1. Yes, they will be durable. I will not have to worry about packing them away.

  3. They works really well as futuristic buildings, great idea and cracking work on them.

    1. Thanks. I finally go around to making them.

  4. Replies
    1. Always good when things work out and the cost is minimal.

  5. They look very effective Peter - I still have one of those pencil stands Steve, made by one of the kids at school out of toilet roll inners etc - it has paint brushes and files in it!

    1. Thank you. Those pencil holders do make good brush holders.

  6. Inspired use of dowel, was it an original thought or inspired by another game or film?

    1. An online search of images on Sci-fi provided a few ideas, including the colours. Then once I started to just use dowel it all fell into place.

  7. Very simple and elegant, nicely done!

    Regards, Chris.

    1. Hi Chris, Thanks and now to get a game happening.

  8. very creative; and came out looking good. nice job!

    1. Thanks Stew. A nice quick project completed.
