Thursday 5 September 2024

Mech campaign - part 1 - background

With everything now packed up ready for the impending move, my gaming has been restricted to playing a few quick Mech games and trying different rules or rule mechanisms. I seem to be settling on a set of rules suitable for a series of games in a campaign, so the next step is to begin developing a campaign background to make these Mech battles more interesting and with a linked theme. The background is still in its early stages and is fairly basic for now. I expect to add to the detail as the campaign progresses. 

A Titan-Class Mech 

For a bit of fun and challenge, I've been using the "Clip 2 Comic" app to give the photos of my models a cartoon-like look. I’m not sure yet if I’ll continue doing this throughout the campaign, but for now I hope it will make things a bit more interesting.

Campaign Background…

In this sci-fi future, Nyxium is a rare mineral found on only a few planets. Its unique atomic structure allows it to channel and amplify energy, making it a critical component for powering the quantum engines of starships. Without Nyxium, quantum space jumps would be impossible, making it a most valuable and useful resource.

One source of Nyxium is Aridain Prime, a desolate dwarf planet located on the fringes of the solar system beyond the asteroid belt. The planet’s surface is dotted with massive mining complexes where workers and automated machines struggle to extract the precious Nyxium from deep within the planet’s core. Recognising its vital importance to their wealth and power, the Terra Alliance closely guards Aridain Prime, but takes a hands-off approach to managing the mining operations. Instead, they leave governing of the planet to the corporations and mining houses established by the original prospectors, intervening only when the Nyxium supply is disrupted.

Aridain Prime is a desolate world dotted with rocky outcrops and mining complexes.

Left to their own devices the mining corporations and houses are often in conflict over access to mining rights and new sources of Nyxium. They have turned to mercenary groups to defend their mines and patrol the areas where they are prospecting.  The mercenaries use large mechs, designed specifically for the planet’s harsh, unforgiving environment. They can be walkers standing up to 50 metres tall or tracked armoured vehicles. They are equipped with an array of weaponry, including plasma cannons, rail-guns, and missile launchers. Some well funded mercenaries will also upgrade their mechs with shield generators for additional protection.

Two lighter (Raptor-Class) Mechs engage a larger (Titan-Class) Mech.

Mercenary mech groups on Aridain Prime are commanded by seasoned captain pilots, veterans who have survived numerous engagements. Leadership structures vary between different types of mercenary groups. The more independent, freebooting groups typically elect their captains through a democratic process, with pilots voting for the leader they trust most to guide them in battle and ensure their survival. In contrast, mercenary groups employed by the mining corporations operate under a more hierarchical system, where captains are appointed by corporate management. These captains are often ex-military personnel, handpicked for their combat expertise and loyalty to the corporation’s interests.

A free-booting mech pilot

Corporate mech pilot

Each pilot is responsible for their own mech, They will employ a support team dedicated to the maintenance, repairs and upgrades of their mech. For the larger Titan-Class mechs, these teams can also serve as crew members, operating various systems and weapons on board during combat.

Next up will hopefully be details of the campaign and possibly a scenario and battle report.


  1. Fantastic illustrations Peter! Good luck with the move.

  2. The background sounds good Peter - it reads like an Arnie movie!

    1. It will be interesting to see how the campaign adds to the background.

  3. Outstanding write up, Peter, and I love the drawings to supplement the back story. For my sci fi games, there is always a "corporation" involved and a group of disgruntled miners (insert exploited planetary colonists here) as they make for very good antagonists :) perhaps my skirmishes would work well in your universe of nyxium mining!

    Also your mechs look great sir.

    1. I am not sure if the mining houses are any better than the corporations, but the free-booting mechs are for the most part the good guys.

  4. Great background Peter. Any chance of a Eureka Stockade scenario? 😁

    1. Some independent prospectors sounds like a great idea.

  5. Very interesting new direction. I’ll be watching with interest.

    1. Something different and compact while moving house.
