Tuesday, 28 January 2025

French and Indian War Convoy Battle Report

This is a battle report for a French and Indian War scenario where a supply convoy is trying to reach a fort and is expecting an attack by enemy forces. See the previous post for the background, order of battle, and victory conditions. 

The tabletop with the supply convoy arriving.

For the game I am using a variation of the One-Hour Wargames (OHW) horse and musket rules. Some of the changes include:  

Shooting Changes: Subtract 1 from shooting rolls if the unit fired during the previous turn, reflecting the difficulties of visibility following an initial volley. Militia units always subtract an addition 1 when shooting.  

Charge Changes: Only Indian units and regular infantry may charge. If a charge does not eliminate the target unit, the charging unit must retire facing away from the target. Units have to wear down their target first, else risk failure.

Movement Adjustments: Units (excluding carts and artillery) gain an additional 3 inches of movement when traveling on open ground or roads. Carts move 6 inches on roads and open.

Elimination Tests: To determine if a unit is routed, roll a D6 and add the result to the unit's accumulated hits. If the total is 16 or more, the unit is routed and removed from play. Modify the D6 roll as follows: add 2 for Indian units and 1 for militia units.  

Battle Report

As the convoy advanced along the road, gunfire erupted from the northern woods. Reacting swiftly, the British commander ordered three units to engage the ambushers. Meanwhile, the supply carts, flanked by regular infantry units, hurried forward, determined to reach their destination. The intensity of the enemy fire from the north woods increased as additional reinforcements of Indian warriors and French militia emerged along the tree line.

Gunfire erupts from the trees. Additional French reinforcements can be seen moved through the north woods.

Along the road British engage while trying to push the carts to towards the fort.

As the convoy crested the hill and the fort came into view, so too did a line of French regular infantry advancing rapidly from the south. See the danger, a detachment of regular infantry from the fort's garrison sallied forth to intercept the approaching threat and help to bolster the convoy’s defenders and prevent the French from cutting off the carts before they could reach the safety of the fort. 

More French reinforcements arrive from the south.

A unit from the fort marches out to help protect the carts.

As the supply convoy began its descent down the hill, the British units holding the northern flank faltered and routed, leaving the convoy dangerously exposed in its final run to the fort. A unit of French regular infantry moved to cut off the convoy’s path. In response, all remaining British forces formed a protective cordon around the supply carts, relying on the fort’s gun to provide them with covering fire.

The convoy’s northern flank routed.

The French close in.

With their rearguard routed, the remaining British units marched alongside the supply carts, taking relentless French fire. Despite suffering heavy losses, they shielding the carts and ensured their safe passage to the fort's gates. 

Continuing to march along the road the British take heavy casualties.

Finally the supply carts reach the fort.

Wrap up…

The battle was a British victory as both supply carts successfully reached the fort. In hindsight, I should have pushed the French forces from the northern woods closer to the fort in an attempt to cut the road ahead of the convoy, even at the risk of coming under fire from the fort’s gun. If I were to replay the scenario, I would also consider bolstering the French southern reinforcements with another unit of regular infantry to balance the engagement.

The supply carts move into the safety of the fort.


  1. Good stuff, Peter! Brings back memories from our Montcalm and Wolfe campaign.

    1. I am enjoying playing a few FIW games. The last time was our campaign way back in 2017.

    2. Hard to believe those games were almost eight years ago. Doesn't seem possible, does it? Perhaps I ought to bring my FIW collection out for some games in 2025?

    3. I don’t recall ever seeing any posts with your FIW forces. Would be great to see.

  2. Grand looking game and a good read, I previously stated that I thought the French would win but huzzah for the Brits! a good win for them.

    1. I made a tactical mistake by not getting the French to block the road early in the game.

  3. A rather costly win for the British and possibly only achieved through a poor tactical choice on the part of the French commander ! 😀
    The supply carts got through, but at significant loss to the escorting troops...somewhat reminiscent of Malta convoys?

    1. Indeed, a good number of British units routed. Hopefully they ended up finding their way to the fort.

  4. Great scenario Peter and the game looks beautiful. Your supply wagons are a great success.

    1. It was fun to get the newly made supply wagons into a game.

  5. Lovely looking game in an interesting period and theatre. Good to see the carts in action!

    1. It is an interesting period to game and I am looking to introduce some boats into the games. I just have to make them first.

  6. A good game!

    I can't help but think that the colonial militia on both sides, mostly farmers, usually hunted to supplement their food and income and were used to ongoing guerilla warfare, were probably more effective than regulars at shooting, at least at a distance although not at all good at close quarters unlike the regulars who could generally chase away militia unless they were in cover.

    Anyway, good stuff. I might just borrow your scenario

    1. Thank you. An interesting thought. I am tempted to have long range and short range for musketry, where there would be no difference between militia and regulars at long range. At short range would see better regular shooting.

  7. I was right about the Brits pulling it off, but it was closer than I expected and as you said the French could've done better if they cut the road earlier. I would play it again before changing the opposing orbats.

    1. It turned out to be a close game and definitely one I will replay with more focus by the attackers to cut the road.

  8. Hurrah!!! A victory for the British.

    1. The fort’s defenders definitely gave a Hurrah with the arrival of the supply carts.

  9. Thoroughly enjoyable report Peter. The close contest was gripping.

    1. Thanks. It was an enjoyable game to play over about 10 turns.

  10. Weird, I am sure I already left a comment - in your spam maybe? Or maybe something went wrong with Blogger - it has been known! Something of a Pyrrhic victory for the Brits - the convoy got through, but at a considerable cost in Crown manpower!

    1. For some reason your comment did go to spam. No idea why. Thank you for flagging that and your comment is now published.

  11. A great game there and an excellent scenario too. I have something similar in mind for my mini-campaign, so this was very useful to give me ideas etc.

    1. Thanks. Good luck with your mini campaign.

  12. Great BATREP. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you it was an enjoyable game to play.

  13. Awesome game and set up.
    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks. I like to get a map drawn up when I can.
