Sunday, 26 January 2025

French and Indian War convoy scenario

Having recently completing two scratch-built supply carts for my French and Indian War forces (see previous post), I was keen to see them in action on the tabletop. This post outlines the game setting and order of battle, while the next post will have the game report. The game scenario is inspired by two sources: 

  • “Convoy (1) Wagon Train” from “Scenarios for Wargamers” by C.S. Grant and 
  • “Scenario 25: Infiltration” from “One-Hour Wargames” by Neil Thomas.

Supply carts on the move.


A guarded supply convoy has been sent to deliver much needed supplies to a fort. On the march the convoy has spotted enemy forces and expect an attack before they reach the fort.

Map of the tabletop.


British forces in the fort. 1 unit can leave the fort on turn 6.

  • 1 Militia Unit
  • 1 Gun
  • 1 Regular Unit

British Convoy

  • 3 Militia Units
  • 3 Regular Units
  • 2 Carts

French Blocking force

  • 2 Indian units

French northern reinforcements arriving turn 3

  • 2 Indian units
  • 2 Militia unit

French southern reinforcements arriving turn 6

  • 3 Regular units

Special Rules

The convoy carts can be captured or destroyed if a French unit makes contact with them and no British unit is within 3 inches of the cart.

Victory Conditions

The British forces achieve victory by escorting both convoy carts to the fort, while the French forces win by capturing or destroying both carts. Anything else is a draw.

Fort awaiting supplies.

Tabletop setup with convoy arriving.


  1. Nice looking scenario Peter. I like your backdrop - it would be nice to see a blue sky!

    1. Thanks. The sky does look very blue in the photo, not a cloud in sight.

  2. Grand looking table and a good scenario, looking forward to seeing how it plays out, I think my money will be on the French, we will see!

  3. Still the best scratch built terrain I’ve seen. That fort is ace.

    1. Thank you. The fort was made a few years ago. Not a lot of detail to it just paint effects.

  4. Looks great, Peter! A classic FIW scenario.

  5. A lovely set up there Peter and as always, love your maps:)! I'm currently working on some wagons for similar type scenarios, something I've been meaning to do for years. I also need to re-try improving my felt roads to look as good as yours...

    1. The felt for the roads are dry brushed with house paint sample-pots, then dabs of green added.

  6. Fingers crossed for a British victory ⚔️⚔️

    1. It does not look far to go on the tabletop, but we will see.

  7. WIth the bulk of the French forces arriving on move 6 I reckon the Brits ought to pull it off - of course I don't know how fast the Brits can move. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

    1. Carts move 6 inches, I should have mentioned that in the special rules.

  8. Another great looking game Peter.

  9. This looks like it will be a nicely balanced scenario Peter - I look forward to reading how it all pans out!

  10. Interesting scenario and a very nice setup!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. It will be interesting to see how balanced the game is.
