It has taken about a week for me to get around to writing up this campaign game. As with all the other games I'm using a set house rules based upon One Hour Wargames (OHW). For this stage of the campaign OHW scenario 13 - Escape - was selected from the remaining Consolidate Phase options.
A Tyranid raiding force is blocked by Imperial forces on the road and they have support arriving from each flank. To win the game the Tyranids must have three units exit the road on the opposite side.
The forces were selected as per previous campaign battles (see post
As imperial forces arrive on the flanks deep-striking Raveners and Genestealers, lurking in the woods, seek to delay the Space Marines from moving towards the road.
On the opposite flank a Warrior unit attempts to hold up the Imperial forces on the hill. While at the roadblock Gargoyles harry imperial defenders as the bulk of Tyranid units move down the road.
Space Marine Tactical and Terminator squads having dispatched a group of Raveners now take to the Genestealers, allowing the Dreadnought to slip away and advance towards the road.
Weakened Imperial roadblock forces are desperately hanging on in the face of attacking Tyranids. While support from the flank battles its way towards the roadblock.
Is Escape is at hand? Can three Tyranid units exit successfully? Having killed off the Imperial forces holding the roadblock, one unit has successfully exited and the remaining units are closely pursued by Imperial forces.
Imperial forces win a series of activations and were able to eliminate the fleeing units before they could exit via the road. This was a very close game. Two Tyranid units did successfully exit the road and one more activation win would have allowed a third to exit, but it was not to be.
This Tyranid loss was their sixth defeat and as a consequence (with no remains bio-mass) this brings to an end the campaign.
Unit of the Game
For this last game the honour goes to the Terminator squad for their final assault delayed the fleeing Tyranids enabling their destruction.
Terminator Squad Unit of the Game |
I will be doing another campaign once I finish my WW2 project (rules and figures).