Sunday 19 May 2024

Planning a future campaign and ECW rules

A recent second-hand purchase arrived this week. I was fortunate enough to be able to buy locally at a reasonable price and avoid the high international postage costs, which seem to cost more than the price of the game itself. The game was in good condition for a used game and came wth all its parts.

Recent purchase - Avalon Hill’s Afrika Korps

Why am I buying this? Later this year, my wargaming will be restricted as we pack up and move house and countries. However, I plan to keep my 6mm Heroics and Ros WW2 Western Desert armies out for a few games and a campaign, as they can be easily packed up last. 

To test the idea of using this board game for the campaign, I will spend the next month, or two, running a mini-campaign of Operation Crusader using the board game pieces and transferring any combat to a small tabletop game. The idea of a mini-campaign came from a link on Boardgame Geek to an article from the  old Avalon Hill General Magazine (November-December 1973 issue).

  • Board Game Geek link - here
  • General Magazine link - here

It's been a while since I've done much gaming with my 6mm Western Desert armies, other than the odd one off game. The last major outing for these armies was when I played a solo ladder campaign over a 15 month period, from March 2020 to May 2021. This campaign included 11 turns and 27 tabletop games. The first game can be found here and the wrap up here.

This past week, and weekend, I have continued with play testing my English Civil War rules and have finally reached a point where I'm satisfied with them, and have stopped making anymore adjustments. The final amendments involved clarifying the routing rules, which now allow both infantry and cavalry to increase their hit count before routing if they're within 3 inches of two other units of the same type. This encourages units to stay together in there commands and in formation. Additionally, I reduced their base hit count by one to prevent combat from dragging on too long.

The other area of the rules I was flipping and flopping on with different rule mechanisms for commanders. I decided I was making things all too complicated and so settled on the simple and often used approach where commanders improve the odds in combat, but this comes with the risk of mishap.

I am hoping to post the full write up of the rules sometime next week.


  1. Always interesting to follow your thought processes Peter. I'm glad that you are in a happy and satisfied place with the rules.
    Looking forward to reports of your campaign.

    1. It has taken a few weeks of play tests. I will have to do a battle report with the rules next.

  2. Hi Peter, Very much looking forward to the full set of ECW rules. I'm excited to try them out.

    1. Thanks Jay. I just need to write up my design notes to go with the rules before posting them.

  3. Really looking forward to a north africa campaign Peter! It will be good to see your 6mm kit in action again.

    I am putting the finishing touches on some north africa commonwealth armored units and hoping to get some desert tank battles on the table as well.

    1. The campaign will be a good excuse to get the 6mm armies out. I still have to workout quite how to run the campaign, but that is all part of the fun. I am enjoying your Tunisian project posts and games.

  4. Nice purchase and look forward to it transferring onto the tabletop with your H&R collection, don;t envy you your move though!

    1. Moving always brings its own stresses, but I will be escaping the hassle when I am gaming.

  5. First Wargame I ever bought. I look forward seeing how you use this as a campaign, battle generator.

    1. It is certainly a classic game and one I have never played. My first SPI game was Panzergruppe Guderian.

  6. Looking forward to what you've come up with.

    1. I suspect it may be a bit of a journey as I work out how the transfer the action between the boardgame and tabletop.

  7. AK is a great game and was my first ever boxed wargame.

    1. I had forgotten how small the counters are and the printing on them with these games.

  8. Great ideas as always Peter...I have read of several gamers using a board game to generate tabletop encounters and it always seemed like an excellent way of doing things to me.

    1. They can be great fun. Going back a number of years I was involved in a campaign where Jon (Palouse Wargaming Journal) played the boardgame and I played the tabletop games with the results fed back to Jon.

    2. Yeah, that was great fun. Worth doing again, I think.

    3. Definitely agree, on both counts.
