Saturday 3 August 2019

Building goes awry and gets a paint job

Last night I decided this weekends mini-project would be to make the Scottish Big House from the Jacobite paper soldier book. I was hoping to make the house stronger and added card and balsa wood, but it did not work out. So left with a house looking shape and not wanting to waste the effort spent so far I decided to carry on and paint the house.

Scottish Big House
Using the original pictures as a guide I painted the base sand colour and gave the walls a wash of yellow to lighten the stone colour. Once dry darker and lighter shades were mixed and dabbed on to create stone patterns.

I used the windows and door from the book, cut them out and stuck them on the house.

The building as it started to all go awry.
A roof was added
The slate roof was painted dark grey. As with the walls, a lighter grey was mixed and dabbed on with a small brush followed by black.

Dabs of light bluey grey and blank are used to give an impression of a slate roof.
While it was not planned this way, I am quite happy with the end result which fits better with my existing balsa wood houses. The Scottish House will get its first outing not in a Jacobite game, but representing a chateau in the WW2 campaign I am planning.

My existing balsa wood houses


  1. Even if the result was unintended, it turned out great!

  2. Nice looking buildings Peter. Are the end walls card?

    1. Yes, the end walls are just card to make it easier to cut out the stone work at the top.

  3. Aye, agree with JF. Very effective paint job.

    1. Thank you, I was pleased I was able to save it.

  4. Great job! Painted like this looks better than printed to me.

    1. Thank you. I was pleased how it turned out and fits much better with my existing buildings than the printed ones.

  5. Hi Peter- well done there on the scratch build- looks fantastic- great work. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Thanks. I ended up enjoying the painting process.

  6. Loved the slate roof effect you achieved. It was very effective.

    1. Thank you. Having the original printed buildings help provide some visual guidance and ideas for the painted effects.

  7. I concur with the other esteemed gentlemen; the building looks super!

    1. Thank you, and its first outing on the tabletop was as a French chateau in a WW2 game.
