After working on my ACW house rules for the last few weeks and testing them out with some games it was time to put them aside, do something different, and come back to them in a week or two with a fresh set of eyes.
Having completed building and painting my Wespe kit it was timely to get back to my WW2 campaign which is entering its final phase. In the last game Commonwealth forces had failed to achieve their objectives with a limited attack. The German forces declined to counterattack so Commonwealth forces decided on a second attack nearby.
Both side rolled for their forces and organised half of their units as reserves. The defenders had 12 units and the attackers 18 units.
German defending forces with the newly painted Wespe |
Both sides reserves are lined up and the game clock set for a 7am attack by commonwealth forces |
The dice generated terrain provided an interesting challenge for the German defenders with buildings on either flank. Fortunately both were placed within the defenders troop placement zone. Victory goes to the side with the most points based on terrain features controlled or occupied at the end of the game. Buildings are 4 points compared to woods 2 points and fields 1 point. So they are important features to be held.
The dice generated terrain included one of my recently completed hills |
The attacking Commonwealth forces moved forward carefully and started their attack through the woods and on the German right flank town. Defending reserves were arriving in a steady stream while attacking reserves were delayed.
Attacking forces move forward cautiously |
The attack on the German right flank slowly made headway as the defenders held out by steadily feeding in fresh units. The surrounding woods were providing useful cover from which the attackers could launch attacks.
Attack on the German right flank |
The German right flank appeared to be well defended as the armoured attack moved forward. A combination of accurate Commonwealth artillery barrages and no German barrages due to a lack of ammunition, helped the armoured attack take the buildings and pushed the defending Germans on to the back foot.
Defending the left flank |
Accurate artillery shelling helped support a Commonwealth armoured attack |
On the right flank after some stubborn resistance the German's ran out of defending units and the Buildings were occupied by Commonwealth infantry units. The defending forces still held the centre wood, but with the loss of both building squares it was a victory to the Commonwealth forces.
During this game I was able to test out the changes I had made to the unit regroup rules. They seemed to work well and will remain for the present. I will also be adding the optional intensive fire rule for artillery and mortar units after reading through the PanzerBlitz rules recently.
Intensive Fire - Artillery and mortar units can expend all remaining ammunition in one barrage before retiring from the field. When they do so, any hits during this intensive fire causes the target unit to be destroyed.
The final position of forces |
I plan to get a couple of more WW2 games in before returning to some SciFi games and writing up my SciFi rule notes.